May 19, 2024 – Sun sextile Neptune


Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Degrees and Times
Sun 29°Ta25′, Neptune 29°Pi25′ – 23:45 (BST)

Wishes may be granted but sometimes they take time to manifest. Trust in the universe. Keep your inspiration flowing. Spend more time on meaningful projects and with the special people in your life. Be receptive to the spiritual energies around you, the aura of strangers you meet, the energetic frequency of music, food and places. Notice how your own energetic body reacts and responds. The more you follow these subtle signals, the greater your capacity to bring peace into your heart. Touch the earth to reconnect if you feel lost or disorientated. Tune in to the planet’s pulse to find your own rhythm.

Improve your spiritual well-being via creative pursuits, natural settings and sacred spaces. Let yourself off the hook and relax, especially if life has been stressful. Show compassion for yourself and others. Kindness makes us all shine. We are all Earth’s angels. Tread softly on each other’s dreams.

Painting – The Angel of the Annunciation by Lorenzo Lotto

Last line inspired by the poem “Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven” by William Butler Yeats.

© Leah Whitehorse

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