June 16, 2024 – Sun sextile Eris

Sun in Gemini sextile Eris in Aries and square Black Moon Lilith retrograde in Virgo
Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries
Hygeia conjunct Eris in Aries

Degrees and Times
Sun 25°Ge23′, Eris 25°Ar23′ – 01:49 (BST)
Sun 25°Ge34′, Black Moon Lilith (true position) 25°Vi34′ R – 06:27 (BST)
Moon 22°Li51′, Chiron 22°Ar51′ – 17:24 (BST)
Hygeia, Eris 25°Ar23′ – 20:22 (BST)

Yesterday’s story continues. Healing, disruption, harmony, discord, scars, soothing. The mood switches from congenial to irritated and back again in the blink of an eye. One moment we’re convinced that we’ve found the solution, closed the hole, repaired the gap, fixed the problem – the next it seems we’re wide open and vulnerable, furious to find ourselves back at square one.

But life is not a circle, it’s a spiral – an ever-increasing curve of experience. It all depends on how we see things. These are not scars but holy tattoos, a gift from the Great Artist, complex, beautiful: little lines with tales to tell, like those on a face. Laughter, tears, the hint of a frown all coalescing into a unique character. We can’t always prevent disruption, but we can choose how we respond, shift perspective, use a different lens. Give yourself permission to say no to what doesn’t align with your spirit. Let your voice be heard to keep your balance.

Painting – Painted composition design to medicine by Gustav Klimt

© Leah Whitehorse