June 17, 2024 – Mercury conjunct Venus

Mercury and Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
Mercury and Venus enter Cancer
Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer

Degrees and Times
Venus 29°Ge52′, Neptune 29°Pi52′ – 04:46 (BST)
Venus 00°Cn00′ – 07:20 (BST)
Mercury 29°Ge52′, Neptune 29°Pi52′ – 08:40 (BST)
Mercury 00°Cn00′ – 10:06 (BST)
Mercury, Venus 00°Cn19′ – 13:42 (BST)

Heart and mind, travelling close together, seeking to align, seeking comfort, safety, warmth, a nest. Yet there are distractions in play, empty promises, illusions and delusions, confusion and overwhelm. On a higher vibration, there is beauty too – a poignant pull on the heartstrings, a mystical tug to contemplate greater things than this morning’s emails. Part of us is looking for something more meaningful and yet its easy to miss the most important things which are right under our nose.

Still, there is a soft spot to fall, eventually, a switch of mindset which calms the urge to dissect and categorise and instead sees the connection between all. Sometimes the most beautiful experiences are the simplest. Family, whether by blood or chosen, is everything. Let’s break bread together, recall happy memories, smile into one another’s eyes. Raise a glass to those who already transitioned for they too are smiling through the veil. Celebrate those you love. Speak with kindness. Think good thoughts.

Painting – The Gate of Memory by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

© Leah Whitehorse