June 19, 2024 – Vesta enters Leo

Neptune in Pisces trine Vesta in Cancer. Vesta enters Leo

Degrees and Times
Neptune 29°Pi53′, Vesta 29°Cn53′ – 16:52 (BST)
Vesta 00°Le00′ – 23:07 (BST)

Neptune’s connection to Vesta gently encourages us to withdraw to our inner sanctuary. This aspect is perfect for magical pathworking, journeying, visualisation and all forms of working with our imagination. Travel through time in your mind and become the Guardian Angel that you wished for. Send back a healing hug to your past self. Surround your hurt inner child with a bubble of light. Relax to receive sacred wisdom straight from source.

Priestess Vesta then steps into Leo’s golden palace and makes immediately for the eternal flame, blowing on it gently, breathing life into it. And so our hearts begin to warm at the thought of focusing on what we love. Vesta knows that when you concentrate on what is sacred to you, magic happens. Consider, what is one step I can take towards my joy today? We are co-creators with life, blessed with the gift of a divine spark. All that you touch can turn to gold. Manifest.

Painting – ‘The Golden Bowl’ by Frank Cadogan Cowper

© Leah Whitehorse