June 20, 2024 – Sun square Neptune

Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
Sun enters Cancer

Degrees and Times
Sun 29°Ge53′, Neptune 29°Pi53′ – 19:12 (BST)
Sun 00°Cn00′  – 21:50 (BST)

Second-guessing ourselves, over and over. Is this intuition? Is this a nudge from the universe? Is this the way? Lost, roaming through a mist filled with questions, unsure of our identity or purpose, wandering, aimless, helpless, distracted, disillusioned. The inner victim sucks the light from us, feeds it back as a torrent of conflicting feelings. And yet, if we find our inner sanctuary, withdraw to collect ourselves, we’ll find a rainbow of wondrous possibilities to choose from.

So as we stand at this solar gate, we are asked to remember who we are. Solstice means ‘Sun Stand Still’. Pause for a moment in your day to honour the star that gives us life. Reconnect to the roots of self. Remember that you are light. All of us are family.

Painting – Junction of the Severn and the Wye with a Rainbow by David Cox

© Leah Whitehorse