June 22, 2024 – Sun quincunx Pluto

Sun in Cancer quincunx Pluto retrograde in Aquarius

Degrees and Times
Sun 01°Cn33′, Pluto 01°Aq33′ R – 13:00 (BST)

We’re coming down from the peak of the lunar cycle and yet tension is still in the air. The solar conversation with Pluto is an unwelcome pointer, a seemingly unsolvable dilemma, an irritation that pokes and prods and forces adjustments. The continued emphasis on Cancer means we identify with family, safety, a sense of belonging. If our position feels threatened, the mood dips and we’re apt to leap to a defensive position without thinking.

Right now, our shadows are showing. Unconscious fears may find us dramatizing stories rooted in past experience. Avoid catastrophising. Remember past meets future in the now. Ask empowering questions. Don’t let pride stand in the way of truth. The more you support yourself, the easier it is to enact change. Release old habits and attachments that block your light. Trust your instincts. Be the change you want to see.

Painting – Reflections (Arrangement in Pink and Blue) by Joseph DeCamp

© Leah Whitehorse