June 23, 2024 – Mercury square Nodes

Mercury in Cancer square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius opposite Vesta in Leo

Degrees and Times
Mercury 12°Cn02′, North Node 12°Ar02′ R, South Node 12°Li02′ R – 02:12
Pluto 01°Aq32′ R, Vesta 01°Le32′ – 12:17 (BST)

What can you say that will put the past to rest? Is there a family conversation to have, a letter to write or a quiet word to whisper in someone’s ear? Is there an old story you’ve been telling yourself that finally needs a closing chapter? Mercury’s square to the Nodes suggests a mental shift is required to let go of emotional baggage to propel us towards our karmic destiny. For some, there may be a decision to break away, an idea to go it alone, an incentive to strike out on the path to independence.

The Pluto-Vesta connection is subtle but still we would be wise to acknowledge where obsession is clouding judgement, or where the fear of disapproval is squashing creative instinct. Maybe it’s time to change focus, take control, or recommit to the path of joy. No one has the power to smother your fire. Resurrect your spark. Know that you are special. Stop fixating on what everyone else is doing and concentrate on your own journey. Take a risk and let your inner artist out.

Painting – The Thinker by Pierre-Auguste Renoir