September 30, 2023 – Mercury trine Uranus

Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus
Uranus square Juno in Leo

Degrees and Times
Mercury 22°Vi38′, Uranus 22°Ta38′ R – 17:55 (BST)
Uranus 22°Ta38′ R, Juno 22°Le38′ – 18:53 (BST)

As Mercury skips out of the shadow from the last retrograde period, suddenly we’re free. Free of the annoying problems that seemed to suck so much time and energy from the day to day. Free to think outside of the box. But if we’re still vexed, Mercury’s job today is to bring fresh ideas, new thoughts, a different way of seeing things. If you want life to improve, implement a new tactic or trial a new skill.

Behind it all is maybe a push to change a contract, break an agreement or shake up a partnership. Uranus and Juno ask, what are you protecting so fiercely that growth has been stifled? Maybe it’s just stage fright. Liberate yourself from worrying about what others might think. Step into the light. Let others hear your unique ideas. Test new ways of thinking, explore different perspectives, allow for spontaneous conversation and brainstorming. Surprise solutions are available. Keep an open mind.

Painting – Central Park, New York City, July 4th by Maurice Prendergast 

© Leah Whitehorse