May 20, 2024 – Sun enters Gemini

Mars conjunct North Node in Aries
Sun enters Gemini

Degrees and Times
Sun 00°Ge00′ – 13:59 (BST)
Mars, North Node 14°Ar56′ R – 04:58 (BST)

The cosmos is giving the go-ahead. The time is now to press forward into territory that challenges you to evolve. Begin your bold mission. Reach out and connect. Have a conversation. Sharing stories reminds us all that we’re not alone. Be curious and open to new information. Write down your ideas. If you feel scattered, isolate the facts. Consider the labels you identify with, the meaning of your name, the words you use to describe yourself.

Talk to your neighbour, your colleagues, your friends. Read the news and get informed about what is going on in the world. Get to know your neighbourhood. If you’re captivated by a topic, sign up for an online class. You’re never too old to learn. Humans have a natural inclination towards duality, the tendency to label things as good, bad, light, dark, me, you. Listen to alternative views. The more educated we become, the more alike we look.

Painting – ‘Village Street and Steps in Auvers with Figures’ by Vincent van Gogh

© Leah Whitehorse

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