May 21, 2024 – Sun semi-square Mars

Sun in Gemini semi-square Mars in Aries
Lunar Aspects

Degrees and Times
Moon 02°Sc01′, Pluto 02°Aq01′ R – 03:33 (BST)
Moon 08°Sc01′, Mercury 08°Ta01′ – 15:18 (BST)
Sun 01°Ge04′, Mars 16°Ar04′ – 17:00

The Moon is now in Scorpio, swimming in deep water, feeling the tug of the emotional undertow. Fears flicker in the corner of the eye making it difficult to discern the truth. With instincts on high alert, it’s all too easy to catastrophise, assume the worst or misread the subtext. The solar connection to Mars is also irritable. Sometimes it seems like people expect you to split yourself into two (or more!) pieces, travel any road but your own.

So, let’s clean it up, reset, breathe. Pause the mission to remember your purpose. Find your centre, your locus of control. Gently question where information is coming from. Request the facts. Tap your inner warrior for strength and courage. Know that this is just a moment in time, and you have the power to decide or not decide, to speak or remain silent. Trust your choices. Trust your truth. Trust your hand to take the right action. There is no need to prove your strength, nor to take on the competition. Neither do you have to pick a side. Make way for dialogue and positive self-talk.  Walk, don’t run.

Painting – Forge Valley, Scarborough by John Atkinson Grimshaw

© Leah Whitehorse

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