May 23, 2024 – Full Moon in Sagittarius

Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
Full Moon in Sagittarius
Venus enters Gemini

Degrees and Times
Venus, Jupiter 29°Ta23′ – 09:27 (BST)
Venus 29°Ta30′, Neptune 29°Pi30′ – 11:50 (BST)
Moon 02°Sg55′, Sun 02°Ge55′ – 14:53 (BST)
Jupiter 29°Ta30′, Neptune 29°Pi30′ – 22:44 (BST)
Venus 00°Ge00′ – 21:30 (BST)

It’s all happening! Huge aspects come rough and tumbling into play. Wild horses kicking up a storm, play fights, real fights, then a whoop and a whinny and all’s forgotten. For you, this may be a rush of inspiration; a burning desire to reach for the skies; an itching need for space and new horizons; a growing urgency to fix finances; a sudden sense that the whole world just opened up like a cosmic box of sweets.

It’s all so big, so vast, gifts from the gods, honey kisses, generous promises. And yes, whilst not every hope may manifest, there is enough here to dream, enough for us to have a little hope because my goodness, we need that! Just for today, roll on your back and gaze at the sky, let memory lane remind you of the good things that happened. Dare to let your joy ripple through. Let your soul burst open with love.  Choose with your heart. Believe that life is bountiful. Believe in the enormous influence of kindness and compassion. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

Painting – Horses and temple by Giorgio de Chirico

*Quote by Norman Vincent Peale

© Leah Whitehorse

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