June 14, 2024 – Sun conjunct Mercury

First Quarter Moon in Virgo
Sun conjunct Mercury in Gemini
Mercury in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Degrees and Times
Mercury 22°Ge46′, Chiron 22°Ar46′ – 03:01 (BST)
Moon 23°Vi39′, Sun 23°Ge39′ – 06:18 (BST)
Mercury, Sun 24°Ge06′ – 17:32 (BST)

It’s a Mercurial day in the skies. It’s time to honour the cosmic messenger, to ease the mind, to take care of your mental health. We’re pressed to get out of the head and into the body, to ground thought into practical action, to find ways to apply ideas to real world scenarios. It’s all workable, even if you can’t yet see the ‘how’. Trust that the creator has received your message – or that your higher self is already kindling new solutions to old problems.

For some, this is a day of brilliant revelation, a lightbulb moment, a highlighter pen making one line stand out from the rest. Watch for thoughts or conversations that seem to have extra significance, even if you can’t explain why. If, however, you are confused, troubled, lost, ask your body to offer its wisdom. Hold out your hands visualising each containing an option. Heaviness is no, lightness is yes. Every answer is inside you, awaiting discovery.

Painting – The Palm Leaf by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
The Sabian symbol of the Sun-Mercury conjunction is ‘A Gardener Trimming Large Palm Trees.’

© Leah Whitehorse