June 24, 2024 – Lunar Aspects


Lunar aspects

Degrees and Times
Moon 00°Aq00′ – 04:14 (BST)
Moon, Pluto 01°Aq31′ R – 06:50 (BST)
Moon 06°Aq49′, Jupiter 06°Ge49′ – 15:51 (BST)
Moon 11°Aq35′, Mars 11°Ta35′ – 23:58 (BST)

The Moon enters Aquarius, intensifying the need for freedom. Maybe we feel intimidated, disempowered. The future looks scary. Fear scatters the mind. And yet, if we dare to approach it differently this time – if we choose to think positive, research, analyse, talk it out, brainstorm ideas, process our feelings, then maybe we’ll find hope on the other side.

Because there’s always hope, if you choose to see it, always change, whether or not you like it. Always a different opinion, a challenge, a disappointment after joy and joy after a disappointment. Up and down, our job is to stay central on Life’s wheel of fortune, free of the turmoil, light as a feather riding the wind. Spend time with friends. Connect with like-minded groups. Release over-attachment to money and possessions. Invest in experiences rather than things. Take practical action. You are not trapped. Liberate your soul.

Painting – The bird by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

© Leah Whitehorse