June 25, 2024 – Mars semi-sextile North Node

Mercury in Cancer opposite Ceres retrograde in Capricorn and sextile Juno in Virgo
Venus in Cancer semi-square Uranus in Taurus
Mars in Taurus semi-sextile North Node in Aries

Degrees and Times
Mars 11°Ta41′, North Node 11°Ar41′ R – 03:34 (BST)
Mercury 16°Cn10′, Juno 16°Vi10′ – 03:25 (BST)
Mercury 16°Cn44′, Ceres 16°Cp44′ R – 10:11 (BST)
Venus 10°Cn28′, Uranus 25°Ta28′ – 20:01 (BST)

Maybe we’re tired of hearing it, tired of the promises that our concerns will be heard, tired of feeling babied, tired of feeling like whatever we decide, there are strings attached. If this resonates, relax, breathe into your belly. Ask yourself, what does my gut say here? Honour the promise you made to yourself. Commit to doing the work required to improve circumstances. Know that the harvest will come, even if you can’t yet see any growth.

The heart knows that we’re on unfamiliar ground right now and some anxiety is normal and natural. Value your unique skills and perspective. Love what makes you different. What you are doing counts. Trust that if you continue to apply yourself with patience and fortitude, the way will open. Sometimes a little stubbornness is exactly what is required to get the job done. You don’t have to sit on the fence to keep the peace. Dare to create a life you love.

Painting – After the Ride aka Visiting Neighbors by Julian Alden Weir

© Leah Whitehorse