28th Apr 2015 – Mars sextile Chiron

'Apple Gatherers' by Stanley Spencer

Mars in Taurus sextile Chiron in Pisces 07:16 (UT)

Even though you may have been hurt in the past, today’s aspect offers you the courage to persist in your efforts. Forge old pain into motivation. Coach yourself with compassion. Perhaps its someone else who needs encouragement. Share your practical knowledge and experience if invited. Helping another relieves pain.

If you have been troubled by physical problems or inertia, initiate a search for a teacher, therapist or healer. Do your research but ultimately trust your instincts to know who is right for you. Express your anger safely to prevent it being internalised, causing dis-ease. A holistic approach releases energy. Physical movement and exercise invite healing. You have an opportunity to play a part in your healing process. Be proactive.

Painting – ‘Apple Gatherers’ by Stanley Spencer
Astrology Readings and Consultations by Leah Whitehorse

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