April 18, 2024 – Sun semi-sextile Neptune

Sun in Aries semi-sextile Neptune in Pisces

Degrees and Times
Sun 28°Ar30′, Neptune 28°Pi30′ – 02:30 (BST)

The Sun, exalted in Aries, is filled with vigour, passion, energy and courage. However, when we are full of Aries energy, we can also have a tendency to kick and kick at doors until they open. Sometimes we do indeed have to fight for what we want, show strength, be brave. But other times, like today, we need to let the Gods guide us, surrender ego to Spirit, tread gently. If it is your door and it is the right time, it will open naturally, effortlessly, easily. Knowing when to push and when to step back is important. Patience comes when we have faith.

The Sun is on the Sabian symbol The Music Of The Spheres. It speaks of harmony, perfection, universal order, wholeness, unity, the song of the soul. Tune into the celestial choir through your heart, from a state of peace and calm. If the world is too noisy, too busy, too harsh, pause and close your eyes. Inside of you is a vast universe of endless possibility and infinite calm. When you surrender, there you will find your natural orbit. Float.

Painting – The Dance by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

© Leah Whitehorse

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