June 26, 2024 – Venus square Nodes

Venus in Cancer square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra
Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Degrees and Times
Mercury 19°Cn25′, Saturn 19°Pi25′ – 19:09 (BST)
Venus 11°Cn33′, North Node 11°Ar33′ R, South Node 11°Li33′ R – 17:07 (BST)

Once again we come to a turning point in our evolutionary journey. Now with Venus squaring the Nodes, we’re pressed to reassess our history, our attachments to the past, our attitudes about money and relationships. Somewhere in the corners of the soul, a doorway opens, a light beckons us to step inside and explore. Most likely we find an old story about whether or not we felt loved as a child. Somewhere a wise old soul on the other side asks, and how much do you love yourself now?

Maybe it’s time then, to sit at the feet of the ancients, to finally hear the stories of our Grandmothers, to consult the wisdom of trees and daydreamers and the soft song of the sea. Tune in and listen. Ask for advice.  Visualise reaching the top of the mountain. The imagination is filled with workable solutions to life’s problems.

Painting – Grandmother with three grandchildren by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller

© Leah Whitehorse