November 18, 2023 – Sun conjunct Mars

Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio

Degrees and Times
Sun, Mars 25°Sc36′ – 05:41 (UT)

Still in a trine to spiritual Neptune, warrior Mars reaches the throne of the Sun, takes a bow, sits at Sol’s glowing invitation. Now is the shining moment of our warrior, both an end and a beginning. Here is a blend of supreme creative energy mixed with passion and valour. Here is the soul spark blazing bright with desire – all the things we want, all the things we’re willing to fight for.

Remember that virile Mars, as ruler of Aries, presides over all that is born again in spring. Through facing our fears, through allowing for change and death and endings, new life bursts upwards and outwards. Today’s energies feel like a match struck in the dark, the tiny but strong flickering flame that says, I will survive! Your strength is here, underneath fear and buried in a tickle of desire. Step forward with confidence guided by the deep knowing of your inner guide. Be a champion of change, a warrior of light, a torchbearer, a cheerleader. You are a hero battling life’s dragons to recover the gold. Give yourself some praise.

Painting – ‘Helios as a Personification of Midday’ by Anton Raphael Mengs

© Leah Whitehorse

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