29th April 2016 – Mars retrograde opposite asteroid Karma


Mars retrograde in Sagittarius opposite asteroid Karma in Gemini 05:59 (UT)

Mars 08°Sg02′ R Karma 08°Ge02′ D

Sometimes the best action is no action. It may be necessary to wait and see how things unfold. Take the time to explore your underlying motivations and confront inner fears. Consider whether your anger needs to be verbalised or whether you need to have a talk with yourself. If your vital energies seem low, withdrawal may be appropriate. Rest. Regain your strength.

Sometimes you may feel like there’s nothing you can do, that it’s karma and you cannot fight your ‘fate’. Remember that you decided upon certain spiritual lessons before attending the Earth school. Don’t use ‘karma’ as a stick to beat yourself with. You have a choice in how to respond to what life brings, even in the most difficult of circumstances. You are stronger than you believe.

Painting – ‘Jacob wrestling with the angel’ by Odilon Redon

Astrology Readings by Leah Whitehorse