June 21, 2024 – Full Moon in Capricorn

Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus
Full Moon in Capricorn 

Degrees and Times
Mercury 09°Cn12′, Mars 09°Ta12′ – 17:22 (BST)
Moon 01°Cp07′, Sun 01°Cn07′ – 02:07 (BST) June 22, 2024

Note that in the UK, the Full Moon is on the 22nd June – I posted today as for many of you, it will still be the 21st June dependant on time zone.

In the early part of the day, there is an opportunity to cut through the noise and focus the mind on practical matters. Think about what you CAN do, not what you can’t. Speak with conviction. Assert opinion tenderly. Consider your goals and then take one, small step towards them. Visualise the win! Tell the story about that time you triumphed. Remind yourself of past successes. Uproot every negative thought before it takes hold. Weed your inner garden.

Watch for an emotional high tide however as the day moves on. The peak of the lunar cycle puts the lights square to Neptune. Whilst we feel the need for certainty, stability and a clear plan, there are a thousand unknowns and too much distraction. Consider the unconscious messages you absorbed as a child that define ‘success’. Ask yourself whether you are living by someone else’s rules, standards or conventions. Drop the word ‘should’ from your vocabulary. Address your work-life balance. Make time to drift and dream, listen to your imagination, pray. Relax your worries about time. When you are in touch with Source wisdom, limits disappear.

Painting – The Thames below Westminster by Claude Monet

© Leah Whitehorse