April 5, 2023 – Sun conjunct Chiron

Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces
Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries

Degrees and Times
Mercury 03°Ta12′, Saturn 03°Pi12′ – 17:20 (BST)
Sun, Chiron 15°Ar51′ – 23:18 (BST)

Closer to the Full Moon, light grows, illuminating tiny marks. Spots on the windowpane, dust on the table, scars on the soul. Life can be painful sometimes and yet, through pain and suffering, we learn what it is to be strong. We learn what it is to be human. Take the lead. Fill your life with projects and experiences you are passionate about. Bring your special skills to the table at every opportunity. Know that your scars are warrior tattoos – a life well lived, a tale to tell, a lesson learned. If you are struggling, now is the time to be proactive. Seek out healers and teachers to ignite your motivation to restore wholeness.

A slow, considered, practical approach. bolstered by a well-defined dream, can manifest the security you yearn for, the stability you hope for, the sense of connection to all that is. Sketch out your plans. Talk with a mentor. Ask for advice. Speak about your dreams. Poetry made flesh. Energy made symphony. Extraordinary support is available when you open a dialogue with the Universe.

Painting – The Youthful Poet`s Dream by William Blake

© Leah Whitehorse