May 28, 2024 – Mercury sextile Saturn

Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces
Mars in Aries square Ceres retrograde in Capricorn

Degrees and Times
Mercury 18°Ta33′, Saturn 18°Pi33′ – 04:22 (BST)
Mars 21°Ar01′, Ceres 21°Cp01′ R – 06:06 (BST)

A calm, practical state of mind brings mental stability. Whilst the mood may be quite serious now, it’s easier to express ourselves with authority and integrity. Devote some time to important projects that require concentration. Foster self-discipline. Work on long-term plans and apply your perceptive mind to problems. Appreciate the process instead of trying to rush. Life will blossom when the time is right.

Ensure that your internal voice is supportive. Let your wise inner parent guide your heart instead of pushing for faster results. If you feel stuck, imagine what your future self might say to the present day you. Talk in positive terms and remind yourself that you are capable. Constructive inner dialogue brings a sense of certainty and gentle reassurance. Choose your words carefully.

Painting – Lady Margaret Beaumont and her Daughter by George Frederick Watts

© Leah Whitehorse

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