28th February 2018 – Mercury square Mars


Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius 23:56 (UT)

Mercury 20°Pi15′, Mars 20°Sg15′

There is a fractious, argumentative edge today. Crossed words may fuel hostilities; better to back away and reconsider before going on the offensive. Internal conflicts too could manifest, leaving you uncertain of whether to act or leaning too far in the other direction and acting without thinking. Perhaps your temper is short – count to ten mindfully before speaking!

There is an opportunity to connect with a higher message. Compassion goes a long way towards healing rifts. Focus on unity rather than division. Be open to other systems of belief. Make time to contemplate before gunning ahead. Stimulate your mind with creative pursuits rather than focusing on problems. This will rest your head and allows unconscious solutions to float up to the surface. Listen to your intuition to soothe angry inner voices and turn conflict to courage, clouds to calm.

Painting – ‘Clouds above a sea calm’ by Ivan Aivazovsky

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Astrology Readings by Leah Whitehorse