30th June 2016 – Venus sextile the North Node


Venus in Cancer sextile the North Node in Virgo

Venus is on the Sabian symbol :-
A Man Studying A Mandala In Front Of Him, With The Help Of A Very Ancient Book

Venus 15°Cn10′, Pluto 15°Vi10′ R

There’s an opportunity to gain further understanding of your soul’s journey. Focus inwards on your heart centre and explore what you find there. Pay attention to what gives you joy. Reflect upon your life experiences and how they have shaped you. Write down your history. Make a special note of which areas of your life you feel satisfied with and which areas need work. Get creative and draw a mandala using your findings or use a mandala to jump start a process of self-exploration and inspiration. Note how you react to certain shapes, colours, textures and symbols for these intuitive responses say something of the tapestry of your heart.

Gentle nurture provides the security needed to open spiritual gateways. Align with your deepest values to weave your unfolding future. Run a thread of love through every experience.

Painting – ‘Lydia at the Tapestry Loom’ by Mary Cassatt

Astrology Readings by Leah Whitehorse