31st Mar 2015 – Sun conjunct South Node

31st March - Jules Breton - Girl Guarding the Cows

Sun conjunct South Node in Aries 01:02 (UT)
Mercury enters Aries 01:43 (UT)
Mars enters Taurus 16:26 (UT)

It’s a busy day in the skies! Take the best of the past and put what’s left to rest. A new you is emerging but this process takes time. It can’t be rushed. You may be holding on to your comfort zone but this is like living a life in shadow. Come out to play in the light. Your thoughts may come thick and fast. Maybe you are berating yourself for past mistakes. Let it go. Perhaps you have to concede a point or lose a battle to win the war. It’s OK. Don’t allow impatience to get the better of you. Dedicate feisty inner energy to the way ahead. Harmony is within reach. With determination you can get there.

Painting – ‘Girl Guarding the Cows’ by Jules Breton

Astrology Readings and Consultations by Leah Whitehorse