8th February 2018 – Sun sextile Fibonacci


The Sun in Aquarius sextile asteroid Fibonacci in Sagittarius

The Sun is on the Sabian symbol :-

A Disappointed And Disillusioned Woman Courageously Faces A Seemingly Empty Life

Sun 20°Aq04′, Fibonacci 20°Sg04′

Sometimes a sequence of events leads us to a place where we really don’t want to be. Relationships end, businesses go bust, sickness happens, LIFE happens. Everyone has a moment when they stare into the abyss as a cherished vision evaporates into thin air.

It takes courage to trust that there is a natural pattern at work. The twist and turns of your life are an intricate mandala, etched onto the fabric of the universe. From ground level, it can be impossible to appreciate the beauty and meaning. Lift yourself up. Bow to your former self who brought you here. Where there is absence of vision, there is space to create. Where there is disappointment, there is wisdom. Where there is disillusion, is the opportunity to grasp reality with both hands. Count your blessings. The rest of the sequence has yet to unfold.

Painting – ‘Woman’s Head’ by Leonardo da Vinci

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Astrology Readings by Leah Whitehorse

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